Tuesday, October 30, 2012

SelecTool: Master Sharpener [Product Review]

If you are like me and like to keep your knives sharp but find doing so to be tedious then you're in luck. I discovered this product while browsing my local SGK Gun show. It is a multi function knife sharpener that can be used for shears, scissors, as well as knives. It is a three step sharpening procedure but it is much quicker than using sharpening stones. A huge bonus for me is that is made entirely in the US and was assembled by American veterans. Want to learn more about this product? Watch the video below and follow or, follow the link provided. I actually met the man in the video at the gun show and talked to him about his product and have to say that the demonstration that he gives is definitely persuading.



  1. This is J.R. Neumiller - owner of Selectool, Inc, and the demonstrator in the video above. From my personal experience, the SelecTool is an amazing product in every respect. For the first time in my life, I get sharp knives every time I use this tool. Every time. The reason is the preset guides that maintain blade angle INDEPENDENTLY on both sides - first the right, then the left. This mimics the process of using a stone, but keep the angles perfect every time.

    It works on everything you can mention, (if you can get to the edge, you can sharpen it.) All cutlery, (including serrated knives,) tools, axes, mower blades, hatchets, and on and on. Its amazingly fast and precise, and is easy to use than any other sharpener, (including the ever-popular "V-Groove" sharpeners.)

    These are 100% Made in the USA by Disabled Americans, (a local vocational workshop assembles these.) Lifetime warranty means you buy it once, not every couple of years if it breaks or wears out. Sharpening insert is fully adjustable, meaning it lasts years and years without wearing out, (and can be refurbished in a minute using a simple sharpening stone.)

    Like me, I think you'll love it. The SelecTool is available at local gunshows, on Amazon, and my website.

    1. Thanks for your comment! Pass the word about my blog. Thanks!


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