- An old backpack from an army surplus store
- A Leatherman Supertool 300
- A Smith and Wesson Search and Rescue fixed blade knife
- Knife sharpener
- A large Ziploc container
- A roll of duct tape
- Home made first aid kit
- Assorted Band-Aids
- Sterile Gauze
- Medical Tape
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Nylon rope
- Black trash bags
- Clear trash bags
- A compass
- A whistle
- Home made fishing kit
- Spool of line
- Hooks
- Sinkers
- Some fly tackle
- Backpacking stove + fuel
- Mess kit
- Matches
- Lighter
- Dryer lint
- Sleeping bag
- Chewing gum
- Mirror
My survival kit has some stuff in it that is kind of pricy only because I have acquired over time while I was in the Boy Scouts. Most of the stuff I have was either free, from a surplus or thrift store, or I bought it at the dollar store. I also have a few things I could honestly take out but I keep them because it fits, it's light weight, and you never know what could be useful. Everything I have in my kit has more than one use. If you don't believe me, leave a comment and I'll explain.
Eventually I'll put up a picture of my kit but for the time being it's nice and packed and I'd like to keep it that way.
Thanks for reading!
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